Advancing through global learning

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  • Advancing through global learning
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Carly McIver​​​​


Carly McIver​​​​


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To develop best practice and knowledge sharing across the global practice, Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) introduced the Global Experience Exchange Program (GEEP) 12 months ago.

Since then 15 RLB colleagues, from 8 different countries have been selected for the program, and 10 have already completed or are currently on their exchange.

The program has been judged a success by the participants – who feel they have learned so much more about RLB globally; their home offices – who have seen a growth in knowledge and experience on their return, and the host offices, who have benefited from seeing first-hand how other parts of the business work.

Sharing ideas to raise global practice knowledge
The GEEP will be facilitated through formal staff visits to other global offices for a period of up to one month. As part of the GEEP, individuals will be required to:

  • Share business process or technical knowledge from their home country
  • Learn elements of business / technical practice in the host country to share with their business on their return

Continuing professional development sessions
Individuals will be required to run two CPD sessions – one in the host office and one in their home country. As part of the application process, employees are required to outline the broad idea and content of the CPD session.

Current host offices
Australia – Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney
Hong Kong/China – Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai
Middle East – Dubai
New Zealand – Auckland, Wellington
North America – Denver, Phoenix, Hawaiian Islands
South Africa – Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria
South Asia – Manila, Singapore
UK – Birmingham, London, Manchester

The 2018-19 candidates will continue to build RLB global networks and promote the exchange of business knowledge and technical expertise as they contribute to their own personal development.


Carly McIver​​​​
Carly McIver​​​​

Head of Marketing & Communications