2022 marks a quarter of a century since the prestigious Property Industry Awards began, celebrating the achievements of hardworking people who contribute to the continuing development and enhancement of New Zealand’s built environment.
It’s been two years since the pandemic disrupted the world, causing – quite frankly – havoc, and prompting sudden change in nearly all industries. The property industry has not been exempt from this disruption, with lockdowns, delays, projects going on hold, and a lack of human resources to actually get things built. Most recently, while we’re out of lockdowns and almost everybody is now vaccinated, the number of people at any time isolating continues to fluctuate and have an impact on progress.
As such, all the 2022 projects are testament to the relentless positivity and hard work that the people in this industry are known for. We have all been affected, and yet here we are, celebrating the completion of impressive property construction projects once again.
Many of the projects you see featured as part of these awards required extraordinary grit, collaboration, and collective will between key stakeholders in an arguably trying construction climate. We’re so incredibly proud that all the development we are seeing continues to go ahead here in New Zealand. We know the construction industry here is helping set new standards for the built environment globally.
Congratulations to all the nominees for showcasing how agile, resilient, adaptive and determined our New Zealand property industry is. The growing focus on sustainability is also evidence of our rightful long-term focus on the horizon.
As principal sponsor, I acknowledge and thank the Property Council for their continued contribution to an industry producing ongoing prosperity, employment, and vibrant communities nationwide.
I acknowledge the national judges for their hard work, and the insight that I know goes into judging. They are experienced and engaged in their task, and I’m sure I speak on behalf of many in saying we are most grateful.
And finally, on behalf of RLB, I congratulate all the well deserving finalists for the prestigious Rider Levett Bucknall Supreme Award.