Rider Levett Bucknall donates historic Sydney Opera House build documentation

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  • Rider Levett Bucknall donates historic Sydney Opera House build documentation
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Stephen Mee


Stephen Mee


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In a significant historical moment, RLB has proudly donated original build documentation from the construction of the Sydney Opera House to the Opera House’s archives

The official presentation of these historic documents took place at the iconic landmark on Wednesday.

The documents were formally handed over by representatives of the RLB Global Board and the directors of RLB NSW to Ms. Kya Blondin, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Sydney Opera House.

This donation is more than a gesture – it is a reflection of RLB’s deep involvement in one of Australia’s most celebrated and ambitious architectural feats.

The donated materials include rare and foundational records that capture the history of the landmark’s development:

  • December 1958: Bill of Provisional Quantities for Stage 1 of the Sydney Opera House, prepared by Rider Hunt & Partners.
  • May 1969: Cost Planning Manual for the Sydney Opera House, prepared by Rider Hunt & Partners.
  • November 1977: Stage III Contract General Index, prepared by D.S. Littlemore, Architect.

Stephen Mee, Managing Director of Rider Levett Bucknall NSW, expressed pride in the company’s original and ongoing contributions to the Sydney Opera House’s construction and operations.

“As RLB marks 70 years in New South Wales in 2024, we’re proud to have played a key role in bringing one of the 20th century’s most ambitious architectural visions to life. By entrusting these documents to the Sydney Opera House’s archives, we are preserving an important part of Australia’s architectural and cultural history for future generations,” Mr Mee says.

The Sydney Opera House celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2023.

“These documents offer insight into the painstaking planning and execution of RLB’s skilled quantity surveying team that transformed Jørn Utzon’s vision into one of the world’s most recognisable landmarks,” Mr Mee concludes.

RLB Global Board (from left to right): Chris Marais, Andrew Fettes-Brown, Mark Weaver, Stephen Mee (past board member), Paul Brussow, Steve Gracey, Nicolas Sheard (observer), Kya Blondin (SOH), Peter Tulla, Andrew Reynolds, Peter Knowles, Eric Fong, Anderson Chan. Ling Lam not pictured