The museum, which has won numerous construction industry awards, is dedicated to showcasing the rich cultural heritage of China while building international partnerships through exhibiting art and treasures from other parts of the world.
It is structured as a stack of three atria that references Hong Kong’s compact and built-up urban fabric. The interior spaces, reflecting the sequential courts of the Imperial Palace in Beijing’s Forbidden City, extend to the full height of the building and draw visitors upwards to explore the different levels and enjoy panoramic views of the city. The vertical stacking also allows for more open space and landscaped areas at ground level.
The double-skin façade cladding system consists of more than 4,000 golden-coloured curved aluminium panels, all of different shapes, patterns and curvatures, with over 20,000 supporting components, also varying in size and length.
Hong Kong Palace Museum
West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
West Kowloon, Hong Kong
Total floor area: 30,000 sq m
Despite the project’s scale and complexity, our cost management experts worked successfully with the project team to ensure the building was completed on schedule and within budget.
Using a real-time cost monitoring approach, we provided insightful and timely advice on cost and contractual issues, enabling the building’s unique design features to be refined and constructed, and any design changes to be evaluated and incorporated swiftly, speeding up the construction process.