Left to right: Paul Batchelor, Partner, RLB; Janet Marston, Senior Development Manager, Morgan Ashley; Justin Hutchins, Chief Executive Officer, HC-One; Cllr Runciman, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, City of York Council; Richard Schunemann, Architect, Penoyre & Prasad; Anthony Wheatley, Managing Director
Construction has commenced on a state-of-the-art 80 bed care home which will provide local elderly people in Burnholme, York, with high quality residential, nursing and memory care.
The development, procured by City of York Council is being led by specialist developer Morgan Ashley, a joint venture between Ashley House plc and Morgan Sindall Investments Limited. Due to open in Autumn 2020, the care home will be part of a larger Health and Wellbeing Hub for this part of York, much of which is already in place. Leading care home provider HC-One has been appointed to operate the care home.
Rider Levett Bucknall is supporting the Morgan Ashley team by providing construction stage Employer’s Agent services to administer the construction contract.
The Burnholme care home is an important part of York’s older persons’ accommodation programme which is working to ensure that the city’s growing population of older people have access to a wide range of modern accommodation. The programme is ensuring a mix of independent living and extra care apartments as well as residential and nursing care homes which meet today’s care standards.
The redevelopment of the Burnholme Community College site to become a Health and Wellbeing campus, will deliver care, health, library, community and sports facilities as well as new housing. The Centre @ Burnholme is already open.
The Morgan Ashley team is also being supported by architects Penoyre & Prasad, contractor Pacy & Wheatley.
Justin Hutchens, Chief Executive of HC-One, said: “HC-One’s mission is to be the first-choice care provider for older people, and the employer of choice for the kindest and most professional care workers. We are delighted to be working with Morgan Ashley and City of York Council to help deliver a high-quality elderly care service for the people of York. New developments such as this one are vital to help address the growing shortage of care home places for the elderly in this country. We look forward to supporting our local community in York, once the home opens in 2020, by providing the very best care.
“HC-One prides itself on investing significantly in our services and our people, with a particular focus on creating meaningful training and career development opportunities that professionalise and reward our Colleagues. Through this approach, our Colleagues can provide the kindest care to Residents.”
Councillor Carol Runciman, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care at City of York Council added: “This is another milestone in our older persons’ accommodation programme. Once finished the new care home at Burnholme will offer a great new 80 bed care home. This new care home is a key part of the programme which will see over 900 new units of accommodation for older people. It is particularly important to us that the Burnholme care home will be providing nursing and residential care and that we will also have the option to secure high quality care to support our residents to live well with dementia”
Morgan Ashley’s Jonathan Holmes said: “Morgan Ashley is very proud to be working with HC One and York City Council, this turf cutting event marks the start of construction work on this superb new Home for York residents. The scheme has been developed with strong community consultation and we look forward to delivering a high -quality build with our contractor, Pacy and Wheatley.”
Paul Batchelor, Partner at Rider Levett Bucknall, comments: “We are very pleased to be supporting Morgan Ashley in the development of this state-of-the-art care home in Burnholme which will form an important part of York’s older persons’ accommodation programme.”