Rider Levett Bucknall UK (RLB UK) has joined forces with the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR) on its first collaborative Fire and Police Station in Maltby.
The project comprised the modification of the existing police station to accommodate SYFR’s operational team together with construction of a new appliance bay and drill yard with training tower within the police station site. The construction was part funded by a £560,000 Government Transformation grant targeted at enabling shared emergency services facilities. The RLB team worked closely with SYFR and South Yorkshire Police operational and property personnel to deliver the project by providing a range of construction services including project and cost management.
James Courtney, Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive of South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue comments, “This collaboration of our fire and police services is critical in providing better customer outcomes. RLB understood the importance of this integration of the two services and the different needs and requirements within the rebuild.”
John Barber for RLB continues, “The project strengthens our working relationship with the emergency services in South Yorkshire and in understanding their key requirements and operational needs to ensure that the shared facilities met the customers’ collective needs”.
“We are seeing more customers seek build solutions that meet both a financial agenda as well as a practical and sustainable solution to differing needs in their communities. With our global expertise, yet local knowledge, we have the ability to help clients meet these often differing priorities.”