With innovation and efficiency at the crux of all future good practice, the RLB team is proud to have been involved in the recent education and healthcare Sandpits projects, in collaboration with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and as part of the Innovate UK funded Construction Innovation Hub programme.
The Sandpits are physical test bed facilities to provide safe and accessible spaces for industry to test, learn and develop ahead of the build stage. Developed to deliver R&D solutions straight to market using DfMA (design for manufacturing and assembly), they build on the success of the DfE and Innovate UK’s GenZero programme which centres on the design of zero-carbon schools, and the University of College London’s (UCL)’s Challenging Space Frontiers Programme for health estates respectively.
RLB’s role in the Sandpits included cost consultancy for the project and across the contract management as well being involved in initial conversations with Central Government at concept stage.
Abbie Romano, Platform Healthcare lead at the MTC comments,
“Understanding how we build for the future to create efficiencies both economically as well as environmentally, is essential for those working within estates management within the public sector. This collaboration, which included the expertise and experience of the RLB team, allowed us to pilot how we do this and bring lessons learned to future projects.”
Declan O’Driscoll, RLB Associate continued,
“As consultants within the built environment we have a dual role to play – firstly to support clients on planned and live projects to bring the best solutions whether through cost management, project management or the other services we offer. However, we also have a legacy role where we need to ensure we support innovation in the industry and look at how we help clients improve and enhance what they are presently doing. Working with the MTC as the lead partner in the Construction Innovation Hub programme allowed us to undertake both these roles and support future development of estate planning in the public sector.”