We are pleased to announce the publication of the Q1 2025 edition of Construction Market Intelligence, RLB’s insightful, up-to-date guide to construction activity around the UK incorporating our quarterly tender price forecast.
In our latest edition, we are not currently forecasting a rapid breakout in tender prices, but rather a fairly lukewarm uplift of cost to clients. While it seems unlikely, that expectation could change in the event of a sudden rush-to-market, but such an outcome would be more likely in response to geopolitical uncertainty
Nonetheless, that very reticence in the marketplace has given rise to pent-up demand that we have seen propel commercial projects to site last year, so there may be no better time to commence the process than now, rather than wait and risk being priced out of the marketplace.
The RLB Weighted Average Tender Price Index forecast uplift for 2025, as at Q1 2025, is 3.21%, compared to the previous quarter’s forecast for 2025 of 3.19%.
Read the full report online.

Roger Hogg
UK Research and Development Manager