Creating opportunities for education outside the classroom



This eco-friendly education facility in Hyde Park is designed to encourage children to explore the environment outside the classroom.

It features nature trails, a dipping pond with underwater endoscopes, a mini allotment, butterfly bank, lightning tree and mini beast habitats.
The structure incorporates a range of sustainable features including a rubble roof, natural ventilation and a grey-water system.
Funded by the unique collaboration between The Royal Parks, The Royal Parks Foundation and Halcyon Gallery, it links the charity, private and public sectors to generate income for education through public art.
RLB worked closely with the project team to ensure the challenge of raising finance could be met, whilst balancing affordability and design against the client’s ambitions.
RLB has worked with The Royal Parks for 15 years, providing project management and program management services on many projects across all eight of the Royal Parks.

At a glance

  • Client
    The Royal Parks
  • Services
    Project & Programme Success
  • sector
    Public & Civic
  • Location
    London, United Kingdom