RLB supports Caribbean community after Hurricane Beryl

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  • RLB supports Caribbean community after Hurricane Beryl
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On July 2, 2024, Hurricane Beryl swept through the Caribbean, causing widespread destruction to homes and businesses, leaving entire communities homeless and without essential supplies such as water and electricity.

Union Island, which is part of the country of St. Vincent and The Grenadines, was particularly hard hit, with reports indicating that 90% of buildings suffered severe damage or were completely destroyed.

In the aftermath of this devastating storm, damage assessments and relief efforts are now underway. Many residents are grappling with the impact of severed communications, blocked roads, and limited access to fuel and basic necessities as they begin the journey towards recovery.

At RLB doing the right thing matters. We believe we all have a responsibility to support the communities in which we live and work, as Community and People are two of our core values.  In true support of their community, RLB St. Lucia directly witnessed the storm as it passed over Union Island and several other affected islands. We are proud to acknowledge the pivotal role played by RLB employee Colette McDermott in securing and delivering a critically needed power generator. Additionally, RLB, in collaboration with Fauna & Flora International, facilitated the purchase of this essential equipment to support ongoing relief efforts. Much more help is needed, but we are grateful to be part of the effort to support the people of Union Island and the surrounding islands.