Specialist Knowledge and a Leading-Edge Approach

Aligning our capabilities with client needs

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Building the future is a complex business, and taking on tough construction jobs happens every day for our clients. Whether your imagination has you using smart bricks or building smart roads, or taking a more traditional construction path, we have specialties that uniquely match your specific goals and needs.  We know that creating, evaluating, and managing project controls are the foundation of all commercially successful jobs, and the Rider Levett Bucknall team can help you make decisions around the critical issues of time, cost, scope, and quality in the built environment.

Having go-to advisors can mean the difference between a project’s success or failure. That trust might be anchored in our innovative, global experience and applied to your local-market projects. Or maybe you’re looking for a fresh perspective from a team of experienced consultants who know how to succeed in today’s market, effectively managing the risks and opportunities.  From pre-construction through completion, our primary goal is to help you achieve the level of certainty needed to make critical, real-time decisions ensuring the commercial success of any project, no matter how big or small.

Bringing a fresh perspective

Our approach is about accelerating the delivery of benefits while providing a sustainable solution for our clients. It involves an absolute focus on sharing knowledge, learning and experience across our global business, and with our clients, to achieve real and tangible results.

Through collaborating, both internally and externally, we can influence the development of industry-quality standards, share knowledge and work together to drive industry-wide improvements. BIM is a key tool for driving collaboration and efficiency within the design and construction of the built environment. We are committed to integrating BIM and are working with some of the world’s leading designers, delivering highly complex, high-value projects worldwide.

Understanding the value of data within our solutions is a key enabler for successful outcomes. We are adopting new technology and techniques to work faster and smarter to deliver projects with greater data certainty and transparency, providing the insights needed to help our clients make more informed decisions, more quickly.

We are focused on creating and delivering value, and combining expertise in capital and whole-life cost modelling, the creation of human and social value and assessing the environmental impact of projects. This enables our clients to test their business cases and identify and deliver optimum value solutions.